Exhibit Space
The Fathers of Fairytales

Andersen, Hans. Fairytales. Illustrated by: Arthur Rackham. New York: Weathervane Books, nd.
The novel Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen is a compilation of a diverse selection of his works with illustrations by Arthur Rackham. Andersen's talents and legacy can be identified in the stories provided in addition to a direct look into the life he lived and how real-life events affected this writing. This novel is a direct reflection of a legacy that lives on in modern society.
The Little Mermaid Through the Lens of the 19th Century

Andersen, Hans Christian. Ardizzone's Hans Andersen: Fourteen Classic Tales. Illustrated by: Edward Ardizzone. London: André Deutsch Limited, 1978.
An exploration into the elements and persons who played a significant role in the shaping of Hans Christian Andersen's 1837 tale of the "Little Mermaid".
Cupid and Psyche: Romance for the Victorian Child

“Cupid and Psyche.” The Red Romance Book. Ed. Andrew Lang. Illus. Henry J. Ford. New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1921. 249-64. Print.
This curatorial is an exploration of the ideologies in the 19th century that influenced and shaped the respective works of Andrew Lang and Henry J. Ford, providing a commentary on their collaborative work on “Cupid and Psyche” from the Red Romance Book.